Public Policy & Legislative
The Public Policy & Legislative Committee stays informed on relevant matters for legislative issues pertaining to any and all critical advocacy issues impacting the way of life of Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of Hearing, & Late-Deafened people in the state of Alaska.
Committee Chair: Duane Mayes
Committee Members: Byron Jensen*,
Ryan Di Giovanni, Kristeena Brinkley, Sean Gordon, Shawn Schramski, & Tyler Veatch
Education & Outreach
The Education & Outreach Committee stays informed on relevant matters for education policy, education programs, community engagement, community issues, and advocate for awareness of issues relating to Deaf people such as the visibility and authenticity of Deaf people and Sign Language in the media.
Committee Chair: Clara Baldwin
Committee Members: Byron Jensen*, Elise Veatch, Evelyn Ooten, Kathryn Widener, Kristeena Brinkley, & Natasha Haskins
Budget & Finance
The Budget & Finance Committee is responsible for developing and reviewing fiscal procedures, a fundraising plan, and annual budget for the ADC.
Committee Chair: Hillarie Gossett
Committee Members: Byron Jensen*, Elise Veatch, Evelyn Ooten, & Markus Porch
The Bylaws Committee focuses on the upkeep of the ADC Bylaws. If any changes are needed, the committee will be responsible for amendments at Statewide Meetings.
Committee Chair: Ryan Di Giovanni
Committee Members: Byron Jensen*,
Ryan Di Giovanni, Sean Gordon, Shawn Schramski, & Tyler Veatch
The Nominating Committee shall review all nominations for Officers and Members at Large prior to the Statewide Meeting to ensure that all candidates are in good standing with the ADC and have completed the expression of interest form.
Committee Chair: TBD
Committee Members: TBD
Youth Membership
The Youth Membership Committee shall create initiatives for the ADC Board that benefits community youth and works closely with the Alaska State School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing including the Junior NAD chapter and other local organizations.
Committee Chair: TBD
Committee Members: Byron Jensen*,
Jonathan Povelite, Markus Porch, Mary Rios,
& Tyler Veatch
*The President of Alaska Deaf Council shall be an ex officio member of any standing or ad hoc committees with the exception of the nominating committee and all committees must report directly to the Vice President to show their progress.